TORONTO: WEDNESDAY OCT 14th: Catch Wordburglar, Mega Ran & More or Les LIVE for only $10 at the Junction City Music Hall, 2907 Dundas St West, Toronto, Ontario. PLUS a video game tournament featuring Super Smash Brothers (the original 1999 N64 version) and great beer specials from Longslice Brewery.
More details below:

On Wednesday October 14 as part of the fall video game party series at The Junction City Music Hall there’s gonna be LIVE PERFORMANCES from the Video-Game-All-Stars of Rap – MEGA RAN, MORE OR LES & WORDBURGLAR!
Ran, Les & Burg will be rocking fresh sets of their original, nerd-infused hip-hop throughout the night so come early and enjoy a night of great video games, live music and of course beer!
This weeks video game tournament will feature Super Smash Brothers (the original 1999 N64 version).
Open practise rounds from 8pm – 9pm, and then the first round starts at 9pm.