Wordburglar on tour with Cybertronic Spree in Victoria and Vancouver BC this September! Tickets available here: https://admitone.com/artists/6352bd3661905a487da78b53/wordburglar
Catch Wordburglar LIVE at Propeller Arcade on Friday August 4. 9pm show, PWYC! 2015 Gottingen Stree, Halifax, NS. Poster artwork by Dave Howlett and Brian Sauer.
LIVE IN TORONTO SATURDAY AUG 26 at TD MUSIC HALL (MASSEY HALL) Wordburglar joins The Cybertronic Spree to celebrate the release of their new album RAVAGE! Don’t miss this intergalactic epic! TICKETS ON SALE HERE
Catch Wordburglar Live in Toronto on Friday May 19 at TONIGHT HAPPENINGS BAR, 1704 QUEEN WEST for a chill night of live rapping and special guests. 9pm / 19+ / PWYC
We pushed the Burgonomic CD booklet to a whopping 28 pages, if you haven’t seen it yet here’s a look at some of the spreads, as illustrated by Dave Howlett, Eric Miller, Kody Peters, Brian Sauer and Kalman Andrasofsky. This was the maximum size we could go while still actually fitting the booklet in the CD case! I’m totally biased, but I think it’s worth it, this is the greatest CD Booklet I’ve ever seen haha – If you need one you can order autographed copies HERE